seattle university student in ghana

Education Abroad

Your international adventure starts here. Discover education abroad programs that align with your academic, personal and professional goals.

Take Your Global Education to the Next Level

Redhawk students fly far and wide to discover more about the world, gain field and language experience and develop themselves as global citizens.  
Our Jesuit, Catholic approach to education provides all students with opportunities to be globally engaged. Taking your education abroad further develops academic, personal and professional skills that help you stand out in the job market and become a more engaged and aware global citizen 
With education abroad, you will: 

  • Engage in experiential and comparative learning 
  • Strengthen language proficiency 
  • Cultivate cultural competencies and humility 
  • Deepen understanding of self, community and the world 
  • Increase adaptability and problem solving  
  • Develop professional skills and global network 

Meaningful Global Opportunities, Strong Support

We help you find the best education abroad programs for you and your path at Seattle University.
With more than 400 students participating in international programs annually, we help you:

  • Navigate your options
  • Find programs that help you earn credit toward your degree
  • Prepare for your time away
  • Reintegrate upon return

Questions? Come See Us!

Office Hours

  • Mon & Fri: 8:30am-4:30pm (Remote)
  • Tues–Thurs: 8:30 am-4:30 pm (In-Person)

Have a quick question? Join us on Zoom at 2pm-3pm on Monday or Friday!

  • Ask us on Zoom! (934 3892 7353)

Explore Your Educational Journey

Study Abroad Adventures

Step-by-Step Guide

Check out the steps to starting your education abroad—with links and resources.

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10.4% of Sophomores and 41.9% of Seniors were able to participate and earn credit toward their Major, Minor, University Core and General Electives.



Above the national average of 31% on Open Doors, the Education Abroad Office aims to continue to promote education abroad to students of historically underrepresented backgrounds.



With 13% of students from the College of Science & Engineering.

Hear from our students

Student Blogger: Environmental Science, '23 

Halló! My name is Owen. I will be studying abroad in Iceland this summer (2022) with Wildlands Studies. Perhaps unsurprisingly, as an Environmental Science major I am beyond excited to gain field research backpacking around the land of fire and ice. Far, far from my home in Seattle, I will be immersed in one of the most unique and fascinating geological and biological landscapes on this planet. With fjords and glaciers on the horizon, I can't help but smile. I hope you will join me as I share m

student blogger for education abroad

Environmental Science, Film Studies Minor '24

"I am Shannon Allen, a second year (soon to be third year) Environmental Science student with a Film Studies minor. I am studying abroad in Madrid, Spain in fall 2022 and I am doing a staff lead trip to Paris, France this summer. I have not traveled much at all in my life so this will be a very new experience for me. I am more than excited to get out of my comfort zone and share about my travels."

study abroad student

Let’s Talk

We’re here to help. For information about education abroad programs at Seattle University, contact:

Education Abroad Office

Location: Hybrid: PAVL 124